Monday, January 2, 2012

So Excited!

I am so excited to announce that I have been given my first award from Tanya at Ms. Solano's Kindergarten! Thank you Tanya, I am truly honored and encouraged by your recognition.

These are the rules:

1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back to them. 
2. Tell 7 things about yourself. 
3. Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know that they’ve received an award!  

Here we go with my 7 things:

1. I never pass up an opportunity to share photos of my furry children, Precious (Chihuahua, 5) and Molli (Mini Schnauzer, 10 months). Would I be crazy to send out a Christmas card of them with their names and ages just like everyone else does with their human children? 

2. I got received a "how to crochet" book and set for Christmas and have practiced three basic stitches - chain, single and double, and still find it all to be difficult. I have so far made a long skinny piece of yellow yarn that somewhat resembles a banana. 

3. I didn't know I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher until I was a kindergarten teacher. I always thought I would teach fourth grade. The kindergarteners that buddy read with my "big kids" during internship frightened me a bit. Now I'm a bit frightened by the big kids. I LOVE my babies! (I'm sure I would be in love with any age other than middle school.

4. I am blessed with a best friend that also happens to be my sister, Tiffany. Here she is with her cute hubby. 

5. I have a question of the day in my classroom. It is the first things the kids to in the morning. I can do so much with it! Graphing activities, sight word practice, quick surveys of whether or not they enjoyed something we did, assess what they are learning, practice decoding and reading strategies etc. This example was from when the Rangers were in the World Series.... sad face. 

6. Speaking of the Rangers, I am a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, Texas Longhorns, and since I have been dating my sweetheart Greg, my sports fandom has expanded to the Dallas Mavericks and the Texas Rangers. However, I must admit it is easier for me to "get into" games in post-season. And apparently, according to Greg, that doesn't make me a serious fan. 

7. If I wasn't a teacher I would be a psychologist or counselor of some sort. 

Now, for some fabulous newly discovered blogs! For this list, I went out and discovered some new blogs that inspire! I hope you find someone new to follow on this list. 


Mrs. M said...

THANK- YOU SO MUCH!! Check out my post!!

Color Me Kinder

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sarah! I'm honored that you awarded me and are a new follower! I hope I can continue to inspire. :) I'm following you now!

Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

Love your blog! So excited that I found you :) I have two cute "dog babies" myself; Mikka (a chihuahua-yorkie) and Chloe (a shitzu-yorkie) and I just posted a cute pic of them on my blog if you want to check it out :) Looking forward to reading more great ideas :)

Lisa :) (new follower)

Tricia said...

I am a new follower. Your doggie babies are so cute.


Queen with Class

Mrs. Egley said...

Love all of your cute ideas and I am going to check out those blogs that you have listed. Hop on over to my blog, I have nominated your blog for an award!
